
The article analyzes the modernization processes in the modern education system of Ukraine, primarily in the formation of its pedagogical potential. The expediency of using in this sphere the achievements of foreign states in which Ukrainians live is substantiated. It has been proved that the most significant experience in training pedagogical staff for the Ukrainian schooling system in the diaspora has been developed in Canada. It is carried out by universities and university colleges. It is established that their educational and professional programs include academic courses, professional courses, and practical activities at school (educational practice). The task of these courses is to provide future teachers with knowledge of the subjects they will teach at school. The curricula include mandatory fundamental disciplines (development of children/adolescents, education of children with special needs, methods of teaching different subjects, theory of learning, etc.) and optional courses of professional direction offered by universities. The peculiarities of training teachers of Ukrainian disciplines in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Toronto universities and the organization of their further professional growth by public institutions of Canadian Ukrainians are analyzed. It was established that Ukrainian studies in Canadian universities have a degree structure of training specialists and cover three levels: Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. However, different universities have different Ukrainian language training programs and, accordingly, their graduates have various opportunities for further employment. It was found that postgraduate education and professional growth of Ukrainian school teachers are provided by public organizations of foreign Ukrainians (World Coordinating Educational Council, Congress of Ukrainians of Canada, School Councils, etc.). They organize summer teacher training courses, seminars, webinars, online training, etc. The ideas of foreign experience, which it is advisable to creatively implement in the activities of institutions of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine, are distinguished.

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