
Introduction. The rational use of land is a guarantee of the country's food security, contributes to the sustainable development of rural areas, and creates prerequisites for its territorial integrity. At the same time, the modern level of domestic agriculture increases the importance of the problem of full use of land in this sector of the economy. Methods. The following general scientific and special methods are used to achieve this goal: dialectical method of scientific knowledge - for considering the essence of land relations; synthesis - to clarify the relationships between subjects of land relations; graphic - for visual display of the obtained results; abstract and logical method - for forming research conclusions and proposals. Results. During the analysed period, an increase in returns from agricultural land used in agricultural production, namely an increase in the yield of crops, profit, and output of gross and marketable products from a unit of land area, is visible. At the same time, there is a very noticeable negative trend in the growth of the area of agricultural land that falls out of economic circulation as a result of land degradation. In the process of analysing the degree of land use in agricultural enterprises of the region, a model and parameters of land use optimization, which take into account natural and economic conditions, and market requirements, were substantiated and proposed. Compared to the actual structure, they significantly improve not only the level of land use but also the entire resource potential of the region. Discussion. Further scientific research on the problem should be directed to the in-depth study of ecological and economic aspects of the efficiency of the use of land resources, ensuring the optimal level of land plowing, the use of ecologically safe technologies for growing crops, the search for ways of greening the development of agricultural production to reduce the negative impact on the surrounding natural environment. Keywords: agricultural land, sown area, yield, gross harvest.

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