
Malaria is a major concern for international health authorities and potentially lifethreatening disease because of millions of people suffer every year in the world dueto a parasite of the Plasmodium genus transmitted by an infective female Anophelesmosquito vector. Due to the complexity of the parasite biology and genetics, there iscurrently no vaccine. Individuals with malaria may present with fever and a wide rangeof symptoms. The second half of the 20th century saw the emergence of strains of malariaparasites (mainly P.falciparum) resistant to chloroquine, which was the most commonlyused drug for treatment of the disease. While resistance spread geographically, it alsoevolved chemically including to other antimalarial drugs like quinine, sulfadoxine,pyremethamine, and proguanil.The aim of research. To describe modern aspects of etiology and epidemiology ofmalaria, caused by different species of parasite; and to highlight clinical peculiaritieswith analysis of the best evidence based recommendations of its chemotherapy.Methods. We had used scientific paper searching in Scopus, Cochrane databases, andNCBI library (Pubmed) by key words as “malignant tertian malaria treatment”, “benigntertian malaria”, benign quartana malaria”, “malaria and pregnancy”, “resistance toantimalarials”.Results. Nowadays there are six known genetically different species of Plasmodiumcaused malaria disease in human worldwide. This vector-borne infection may transmitvia mosquito, blood products, a liver transplantation and through placenta from pregnantto fetus. If suspected any malaria type, promptly therapy should be suggest accountedtravel anamnesis and WHO as well as national recommendations. Therapy containedarthemisin in combination with lumefantrine or mefloquine is better and more effectivethan monotherapy. In case of P.ovale and P.vivax primaquine phosphate is essential topreclude recrudescences.Conclusions. Ukraine is the eastern European country with annual morbidity becauseof exotic cases connected with travels and employment. In case of fever, chills, sweats,hepatosplenomegaly patient should be tested for parasite presence by methods ofparasitoscopy of thick drop and thin smear of blood. Chemoprophylaxis within allduration in endemic country by available antimalarial should be obligatory beforeplanning to subtropical and tropical regions.

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