
MUCH of the Lambeth Conference report* deals with matters which are not the immediate concern of men of science as such ; but two of the committee reports and certain passages in the Encyclical Letter are of interest in view of the increasing concern of the scientific world with the ethical aspects of atomic warfare, and of the attempts being made to formulate a professional code on the lines of the Hippocratic Oath. Moreover, a number of men of science have taken a prominent part in the movement to formulate a declaration of human rights, and on this also the report has something of interest to say. Thus even if their interest is indirect and by virtue of their citizenship rather than their professional activities, scientific workers cannot be altogether indifferent to any document that in any degree helps to clarify thought on the moral and spiritual values that form the real foundation for any attempt at union of the Western democracies. The frankness, clarity and logic of the whole report will indeed commend it to many outside the Anglican Communion, even if they do not always accept its premises or draw the same conclusions, at least without some reservations. The final invitation to all men and women to join in the war against the evils which wreck man‘s life and against the false creeds which debase it will be welcomed by many men of science.

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