
Crystals of the title compound are monoclinic with a= 10·80(1), b= 14·60(2), c= 8·38(1)A, β= 94·3(2)°, space group P21/c. Z= 8. There are two crystallographically independent stoicheiometric units in the cell. The structure was solved from diffractometric data by direct methods and refined by block-diagonal least-squares to R 0·055 for 1723 observed reflections. The structure consists of diprotonated cations, in a cis,cis-conformation and of sulphate anions. The distances and angles in the two independent units are practically equal. The two cations possess an approximate binary axis of symmetry through C–O. Several NH ⋯ O and –NH3⋯ hydrogen bonds with surrounding anions are formed. The molecular and structural details are very close to those of the thio-analogue, although the latter is orthorhombic.

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