
This article is devoted to the theme of intercultural communication as a factor in the modernization of educational activities. The need for the formation of student’s ability to intercultural communication studies led to the relevance of the process of mastering the laws of any age nonnative language in the language environment, as well as analysis of the factors that determine the success / failure of this process. In recent years it has become apparent that the communication is a transmission from the addressee is not sent to the specific information. Communication flows more successfully than wider area of intersection of these spaces. Communicants important to have core knowledge and understanding, which is shared by all members of the linguaethnocultural community. Consequently, the student and the teacher should have a thorough understanding of the opportunities enjoyed by the study group, school, and region to create conditions for the formation of cross-cultural communication, both within the country and abroad. Communication Through Culture provides: 1) the identity of the individual; 2) the interaction of the individual and society; 3) coordination of the activities of individuals among themselves; 4) the integration of social groups and social cohesion as a whole; 5) internal differentiation of society and the individual groups; 6) exchange of achievements between individuals, groups of individuals and nations. Language can be seen as a tool for organizing meanings produced as a result of mental, emotional and mirosozertsatelnoy human activity, and as a means of transmission of meanings from one communicant to another. Contact natural language and culture is as follows: 1) the language contributes to the identification of the objects of the world (natural and man-made), their classification and ordering of information about him; 2) it helps to evaluate the objects, phenomena and their relationship; 3) facilitate human adaptation to environmental conditions; 4) promote the organization and coordination of human activity; 5) allows you to get psychological support for the correctness of their actions on other members of a linguistic community. Thus, the language is an integral part of the spiritual culture of mankind together with other sign systems, which include the language of architecture, drama, music, dance, national symbols, rites, rituals, and others. Communication is a creative act of intuitive, which is based on an inherent and integral human need to communicate. Formation of intercultural competence should be seen in connection with the development of the student's personality, his ability and willingness to participate in the dialogue of cultures on the basis of the principles of cooperation, mutual respect and tolerance for cultural differences and overcoming cultural barriers, particularly for modern foreign language teaching. That person Dialogism it is an important factor (ID) of and as a result makes it capable of participating in the dialogue of cultures. Thus, the process of formation of the intercultural competence of the student's vocation to expand its overall outlook and overall competence. The development of the individual student, is in the comparison of at least two linguocultures, carried out on the basis of their own world view and understanding of the world and involves the perception and reflection of their own values ​​and social relationships.


  • The end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century is a period of global innovation in all fields of culture, economy, technology, social thought and personal life of each person

  • We are talking about the globalization of society, the globalization of economy and the globalization of education

  • It becomes obvious that in our century due to global changes in political and economic life learning a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication in a dialogue of cultures becomes an important issue

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The end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century is a period of global innovation in all fields of culture, economy, technology, social thought and personal life of each person. It becomes obvious that in our century due to global changes in political and economic life learning a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication in a dialogue of cultures becomes an important issue. The socio-cultural orientation, promoting the inclusion of pupils in the dialogue of cultures is one of the most important priorities in modern education. The need to achieve understanding among peoples through dialogue of cultures dictates a search for new approaches to the problem of language and culture among ethno-psychological and didactic research. The difficulty here may be caused by differences in the language picture of the world of native and studied languages.

Intercultural communication
Intercultural competence
The ways and forms of cross-cultural interaction
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