
The school's morning assembly provides a cool and disciplined beginning to the day's usually busy programme. It might be a way to convey and transform significant knowledge and ideals to the pupils. It provides a time of meditation before the workday begins, the school community gathers, and the assembly turns into a vehicle for addressing significant things to one another. The aim of this study is to emphasise the importance of morning assembly and the role of head masters, physical teachers in organising and maintain morning assemblies in schools. The concept of morning assembly is mentioned at the start of the article followed by importance, role of headmaster and physical education teacher and then suggestions how to conduct morning assembly.Rasa shastra is the branch in Ayurveda which deals with the use of Parada and other rasadravyas. Purification and samskaras are important processes on these dravyas in order to improve their efficacy and potency. Asamskarita shuddha Parada does not possess the desired potency; it needs to undergo special procedures named as Parada Ashta samskar. Parada Ashta Samskaras as Swedana, Mardana, Murchhana, Utthapana, Patana, Rodhana, Niyamana and Dipana are meant to make parada combine easily with other rasadravyas and also enhance its own properties. Each samskara specifies aims and objective of the method. In classical Ayurvedic texts, total Ashtadasha means 18 samskaras of parada are mentioned of which first eight samskaras are meant for Dehavada i.e. potentiating mercury for therapeutic purpose. The aim of each shodhana samskar is as follows : Swedana does Dosha Shithilikarana ( Loosening of the Doshas ), Mardana is Bahirmala vinashanam ( eradicate the Bahya Mala ), Murchhana is Nashtapishtatva karakam ( coversion of mercury from natural form to Pishta / Kalka form ), Utthapana is Swarup Aapadanam ( Regains its lost natural form ),in Patana samsakar, Parada gets rid of Naga, Vanga etc Doshas, Bodhana is to remove Klaibyatva of Parada ( Impotency of Parada ), Niyamana is to remove Chapalatwa i.e. Niyantrana, Deepana is to make Parada Grasarthi or Bubhukshita i.e to boost up its appetite. Hence, the literature study is focused on first Ashta Samskaras.

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