
Abstract. The article deals with the creativity of Borys Oliinyk as a representative of Ukrainian culture of the 20th century in terms of national spiritual values. It is proved that Oliinyk’s worldview beliefs are a reflection of the history of the Ukrainian people, its morals, national traditions. It was proved that the main problems in the works of the artist are the problems of life and death, human values and human empathy, happiness and freedom, the artist’s duty before the nation. The poet urged in his works to be responsible for everything in the life of his native people. The poet imprinted his artistic credo in many verses and poems, the main idea of which is sincerity and honesty, the praise of the image of the mother, purity and incorruptibility of the poetic word, deep respect for the elderly and older people, mercy, humanity, hard work, sacrifice for the victory over evil.The works of Borys Oliinyk constitute a significant page in the history of Ukrainian literature. His name is included in all anthologies of world art, electronic resources and encyclopedias. Comprehension of Oliinyk’s creative heritage. Oliinyk as a poet, tribune, statesman has found a wide echo in the studies of philologists, writers, literary critics, critics, etc.It is obvious that the leading motifs of Borys Oliinyk’s works are unity of generations, the statement of universal and national moral values, which spiritually grow a person, as well as philosophical reflections on contemporary problems in the context of the historical experience of our people, and all of humanity. Appeal to the tragic page of the Ukrainian nation during the Second World War makes poems by Boris Oliynyk urgent in the light of current events, in times of invasion of the newest putin’s fascism on our land.

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