
Modern preschool education in Ukraine is experiencing systemic changes in the structure and content of the educational process. The shift of emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities to the acquisition of the necessary life competencies by the child, ensuring her personal growth puts forward new requirements for ensuring the quality of education of preschool children. However, the quality of preschool education today cannot be imagined without partner interaction between all subjects of the educational process: the administration of the institution, educators, parents, children. An institution of preschool education is an open educational space in which the teaching staff interacts with the families of pupils (as well as with other social institutions) to ensure the needs, interests and full development of each child. the interaction of the institution of preschool education and the families of pupils is an important condition for ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process aimed at creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort, goodwill and mutual understanding for all participants, based on traditional and modern pedagogical research in the field of social and family education, takes into account regional, national and world culture , human and national moral values. The purpose of our article is to characterize the pedagogical partnership of all subjects of the educational process of a preschool education institution as a necessary condition for ensuring the quality of a child's education. It can be stated that a pedagogical partnership between a family and an educational institution in form is the coordination and implementation of the interests of the family and the teaching staff to ensure all conditions for the development and comfort of the child while striving to reach consensus and compromises on the most important issues of upbringing and training a growing personality. The pedagogical partnership of the institution of preschool education and the family is realized in such components as: informational; the entry of the family into the educational space; active pedagogical position of the family in interaction with specialists. Research findings. The process of professional training of teachers of preschool education of a new generation, who, already during the period of study in higher education institutions, created their own pedagogical style based on humanistic values, personal maturity, worldview positions, high-level education, the ability to implement all virtues in practical activity, requires updating and improvement. in cooperation with the parents of the pupils. We consider the pedagogical partnership of an educator as one of the most active subjects of his attitude in the educational process of a preschool education institution, in three dimensions – children, parents, and the teaching staff. The involvement of parents and families in the educational process of a preschool institution confirms the responsibility of each parent of a child for his upbringing, development and training, as well as for preserving her life, strengthening her health, forming a sense of human dignity and a conscious attitude of the child to a healthy lifestyle.

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