
One of the main pillars of Islam is salat, wherein obliging salat, Allah SWT raised Prophet Muhammad SAW directly to the heavens through Isra Mi’raj. Five daily prayers are obligatory duties that must be performed by every Muslim as proof of devotion, obedience, and submission to His command with its requirements and pillars. The essence of salat cannot only be seen in practice but also on its process, such as wudu. Wudu is a procedure to purify the body with water. Wudu is one of the requirements for a valid salat, which is an obligation for every Muslim. Islam is filled with blessings and ease (rukhsah), given by Allah SWT to His Muslim servants. If one cannot perform wudu with water, then Allah SWT gave rukhsah, which is tayammum. A problem occurs if a Muslim unable to perform both wudu and tayammum, Which the COVID-19 healthcare worker is experiencing recently. This article is intended to research the rules in performing salat without wudhu or tayammum for COVID-19 healthcare workers based on four madhhab fiqh. In this research, the researcher uses a full qualitative method and documentation related to the topic of this research, which then will be analyzed descriptively.

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