
Local environmental interactions are a major factor in determining the success of a new mutant in structured populations. Spatial variations in the concentration of genotype-specific resources change the fitness of competing strategies locally and thus can drastically change the outcome of evolutionary processes in unintuitive ways. The question is how such local environmental variations in network population structures change the condition for selection and fixation probability of an advantageous (or deleterious) mutant. We consider linear graph structures and focus on the case where resources have a spatial periodic pattern. This is the simplest model with two parameters, length scale and fitness scales, representing heterogeneity. We calculate fixation probability and fixation times for a constant population birth–death process as fitness heterogeneity and period vary. Fixation probability is affected by not only the level of fitness heterogeneity but also spatial scale of resources variations set by period of distribution T. We identify conditions for which a previously a deleterious mutant (in a uniform environment) becomes beneficial as fitness heterogeneity is increased. We observe cases where the fixation probability of both mutant and resident types are more than their neutral value, 1/N, simultaneously. This coincides with exponential increase in time to fixation which points to potential coexistence of resident and mutant types. Finally, we discuss the effect of the ‘fitness shift’ where the fitness function of two types has a phase difference. We observe significant increases (or decreases) in the fixation probability of the mutant as a result of such phase shift.

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