
Michael J. Apthorp (University of Queensland)In bis 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey Stanley Kubrick famously prophesiedthat the Computers of the new millennium would sometimes develop minds oftheir own. He was right. The editors of APF kindly took great care to correct allthe misprints I had pointed out in the proofs of my article Some Aberdeen Frag-ments of Iliad 4 Newly Joined to Fragments in Berlin and Alexandria, publishedin APF 51/1, 2005, 40-58, but inexplicably, at the last minute, two more misprintscrept in. As these are likely to cause serious confusion I believe they are worthcorrecting. On p. 51, in line 206 of my transcription, the last word in the lineshould read simply eι[δω]ς, and in the fourth foot of line 207 the word followingμeν should read simply [κλ]eος. This is how these two words were printed both inmy final draft and in the proofs sent to me by the editors, but in the publishedversion the extra letters ovo had mysteriously forced their way in immediatelybefore the final sigma of each word. These interpolated letters should be deletedin both places.

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