
Article discusses the formation of speech readiness of children of senior preschool age with speech disorders to school by the proposed speech correction and development program. The latter consists of three parts, which correspond to structural components of the speech readiness. Includes blocks of compulsory educational, rehabilitative and high complexity tasks. The program is built on the use of computer games, an innovative speech therapy technology. The analysis of the results of the proposed correctional program at the 152 children with normal speech development (NSD), phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech (PPUS) and General speech underdevelopment (GSU). Results of remedial work with basic intellectually-personal readiness component of the speech showed that significantly improve this component as a whole are 44 (28,9%) of the child from all groups of study. Among these, 23 (52.3 percent) of the child that were in the group with NSD and PPUS, changed the level from medium to high. The semiotic component of voice ready improved in 35 (23%) children of255 all investigated with the advantage of high-level - 25 (71,4%) childrens. After training, 80 children from the groups of NSD and PPUS had a semiotic component at a high level against 65 before the correction. No child with GSU could not rise to a high level test execution semiotic component, which is associated with the severity of the speech defect. The results of the regulatory component before and after the remedial work indicate that 43 (28,3%) child has moved to a higher level. Summarizing the data components of speech readiness conducted after remedial work, it should be noted that, in General, have improved their skills 122 of the child. Among them, 87 (71,3%) of the children rose to the highest level of skills in the indicators underlying the intellectual-personal and regulation components. Children of the groups of NSD and PPUS reached the highest results in 4 times more often than in the group of the GSU. All children NSD and PPUS who had low skills were able to capture them on average. 35 (28.7%) of all children had changed their level of skill semiotic component. The best performance was achieved by children from the groups of NSD and PPUS. Thus, speech readiness for the three components improved in 46 (30,2%) children of all groups. The findings suggest that speech therapy, we offer remedial and developmental program is effective and individually determined for the formation of speech readiness of children of senior preschool age.

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