
Introduction. The social order to create the foundation for a healthy childhood necessitates a scientific search for new strategies for building a variable system of physical education for children with severe speech disorders. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of the "Play for health" partial adaptive physical education and development program on the psychophysiological indicators of children of senior preschool age with severe speech disorders. Materials and methods. The study involved 53 children (25 girls and 28 boys) with "General underdevelopment of speech, III level of speech development." A set of methods was used to assess the level of physical development, somatic health and psycho-emotional status of older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. The reliability of the obtained results was proved using the method of mathematical statistics according to Student's t-test. Results. The data obtained made it possible to note that children with severe speech disorders have an average, disharmonious physical development, a third of them have a lack of body weight, insufficient muscle strength. Problems with the regulation of body functions by the central nervous system were identified. Thus, the stability of the reaction in children with severe speech disorders was significantly lower than the same values in children with normal speech development (p≤0.05), the functional capabilities of the nervous system were also lower (p≤0.01). The psycho-emotional status of children with severe speech disorders is less stable than that of their peers with a normal level of speech development. Conclusion. The re-diagnosis of children with severe speech disorders after the implementation of the "Play for health" partial adaptive physical education and development program showed a positive trend in the psychophysical state of the body, the functional status of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, an increase in the levels of physical development and, to a certain extent, overcoming its disharmony, the formation of a positive emotional background, a change in the level of somatic health, etc.

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