
The study was conducted in the subzone of unstable humidification of the Forest-Steppe on chernozem typical low-humus Panfil research station NSC «Institute of Agriculture NAAS».The study was conducted in the subzone of unstable humidification of the Forest-Steppe on chernozem typical low-humus Panfil research station NSC «Institute of Agriculture NAAS».The aim of the research is to establish the influence of the structure, set and placement of field crops in a 4-field crop rotation for 100 % grain saturation on the overall productivity, yield and quality of corn grain in particular.The technology of growing crops in the experiment is generally accepted and recommended for the research area.Varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops entered into the State Register were sown in the experiment. Chemical plant protection products were used for the production of competitive commodity products of cereals.The results of studies conducted in a long-term stationary field experiment, established in 2001, to study crop rotations on typical chernozems of unstable moisture of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe, convincingly show that for highly specialized farms the most rational in this area are 4-field crop rotations. saturation with grain crops (winter wheat peas-corn for spring barley grain) using various fertilizer systems (without fertilizers), mineral (with the introduction of N60P60K60), organo-mineral (NPK + by-products of the predecessor), organic fertilizer systems (by-products of the predecessor)). The grain yield of corn depended on the fertilizer system and was in the range of 5.86–8.30 t/ha. Productivity of crop rotation area for harvesting from 1 ha of arable land with corn for grain in 4-field crop rotation was: grain – 4.54–6.29 tons, fodder units –7.48–10.47 tons; digestible protein – 0.60–0.84 tons. The economic efficiency of growing corn for grain in short-rotation crop rotation, depending on the fertilizer system, is: relatively net profit – 16.04–21.34 thousand UAH/ha, the level of profitability –112 –180 %.


  • Дослідження проведено в підзоні нестійкого зволоження Лісостепу на чорноземі типовому малогумусному Панфильської дослідної станції ННЦ «Інститут землеробства НААН»

  • Продуктивність 4-пільної сівозміни за різних систем удобрення, середнє за 2016–2020 рр

  • Martyniuk I.V., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Department of Crop Change and Agriculture on Reclaimed Lands of the NSC «Institute of Agriculture of NAAS», e-mail: martynuk.ivan.v@ gmail.com, ph

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Доза добрив під культуру

Продуктивність 4-пільної сівозміни за різних систем удобрення, середнє за 2016–2020 рр. Ч. всього всього горох пшениця озима кукурудза на зерно ячмінь ярий органічні Урожайність зернових, т/га продово­ льчого фураж­ного кормових одиниць зернових одиниць перетравного протеїну. 100 25 25 25 25 продукція 45 55 55 6,29 6,29 1,69 4,61 10,47 7,69 0,84 попередника. Біохімічні показники якості зерна кукурудзи за різних систем удобрення, середнє за 2016–2020 рр

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