
The aim is to consider agricultural cooperation development in the country, the potential for effective promotion of this process, trends in the spread of marketing services, preparation of financial and accounting reports, public and local administration. Methods – quantitative and effective indicators are obtained on the basis of observation and collection of facts, comparative analysis and synthesis, and a systematic approach. Results – directions and main tasks of expanding cooperative relations in agricultural sector of the republic, the role of cooperation in providing conditions for unification of agricultural producers who have set themselves the goal of improving their economic and social situation; distribution of cooperative entrepreneurship; implementation of the social function through creation of jobs, guaranteed level of income; reducing the dependence of the domestic market on external factors; protecting the interests of economic entities; providing the population with the opportunity to purchase high-quality and relatively cheap goods. Conclusions – the author notes that it is necessary to implement new effective programs on creation of agricultural cooperatives at the state and local levels; using their capabilities in establishing an effective supply chain to the end consumer. Cooperation acts as one of the stabilizers of market economy, maintaining social balance, and serves as the basis for organizational and structural restructuring of agricultural production. In market economy, the activities of cooperating farms largely depend on their relationships with other branches of agriculture, which provide them with material and technical means and services, provide processing of their products, and sell them. As the experience of developed countries shows, the potential of agricultural cooperation contributes to the sustainable and balanced development of agricultural sector and ensuring food security.

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