
Abstract Several insecticides were evaluated for control of annual white grubs (larvae of the southern masked chafer) infested a lawn in Urbana, Illinois. A single application of each insecticide was applied to an established Kentucky bluegrass lawn with less than 0.5 inch of thatch on Jul 27, approximately 3 weeks after peak adult flight. Plots were 10 x 20 ft arranged in a randomized complete block design and replicated 3 times. Sprays were applied with a hose-end sprayer and granular formulations were applied using a rotary granular spreader. All treatments were irrigated immediately after application with sufficient water to wet the first 0.5 inch of soil. Post-treatment counts of larvae were made on Sep 8 by examining 10 random 4.25 inch diameter plugs (1 sq ft) from each plot. Number of live larvae (grubs) found in a 2 inch zone below the soil line were recorded.

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