
Abstract Chemicals with both acaricidal and insecticidal activity were compared to NR440 spray oil for efficacy against RFM. Treatments were randomly assigned to single tree plots and replicated 8 times in a 4-yr-old commercial grapefruit orchard on 14 X 24 ft spacing. Each treatment was bounded on all sides by an unsprayed tree to minimize spray cross-contamination. Treatment sprays were applied on 5 Aug with a Hypro 5200 portable high pressure handgun sprayer operating at 20 psi. At each count date 12 fruit per replicate was randomly selected at arms length inside the tree canopy and examined in situ with 10 X handlens. All live RFM were counted in two, 1-cm2 lens field on the stem end of each fruit. The two counts per fruit were averaged and recorded as one observation.

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