
Abstract Darkskin Perfection peas were planted in 5 by 20-ft 8-row beds with 7-inch interrow spacing on Mar 28‘78.at Yakima, WA. The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block with 4 replicates (beds). Treatments were applied on Jun 23 using a rear-mounted boom sprayer fitted to a JD 420 tractor travelling at 2.75 mph. An air pressure of 60 psi applied 40 gpa through D2-13 “TEEJET” nozzles mounted 11 in. apart on the boom. The boom height was adjusted to provide maximum coverage of the foliage. The beds were sprayed between 0600 and 0800 in near or dead calm airflow. The efficacy of the treatments was determined by examining the foliage and the soil beneath the removed plants in a 4- by 4-ft section near the ends of each bed for insects, 72 h after treatment, that is, at 4 days before harvest.

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