
Development of labor market institutes, employment growth and the efficient use of hired labor directly depend on improving labor mobility. Increase of the labor market flexibility is to be achieved by improving the regulatory framework in the field of labor, enabling the development of professional mobility based on professional development, training and retraining. The article analyzes the possibilities of legislative regulation of labor mobility. Different types of labor mobility are considered: territorial, professional, functional. The connection of the innovations of the labor legislation to the economic needs of society and the modern state economic policy is traced. The author offers the ways of improving the regulatory framework in the field of labor in order to implement the labor mobility idea. The necessity of revision of some traditional approaches to legal regulation of issues related to labor function, transfers and some others is proved.Connection between professional standards and professional mobility of workers is revealed, writer makes the conclusion about the stimulating role of professional standards in increase of educational level and vocational training of workers. Taking into account that the idea of continuous professional education during all labor life has to be put in a basis of professional mobility formation and competitiveness of experts as it is recommended by the ILO acts, necessity of correction of the Labor code standards for the purpose of establishment of guarantees for the persons who independently increase their professional level is summarized.

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