
A study was conducted to assess the competencies, needs, and trends in continuing professional development for Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals in university libraries in Punjab, Pakistan. The study covered both public and private sector universities and included sub-campuses. Data was gathered through convenience sampling using questionnaires distributed through various methods. The findings revealed that LIS professionals were well-versed in certain aspects of their field, such as library advocacy, ethics, and collection management. However, they exhibited a moderate level of familiarity with other areas, including the lifecycle of information, cataloging standards, and organizational principles. The study identified areas where LIS professionals required further training, including communication skills, knowledge of library history, problem-solving techniques, awareness of social and cultural policies, legal frameworks, and various aspects of information lifecycle management. Additionally, the study identified several barriers to continuing professional development, such as a lack of interest, limited resources, a shortage of experts, inadequate infrastructure, time constraints, unsupportive work environments, and a scarcity of training opportunities in the country. In summary, the study highlighted the need for targeted professional development opportunities for LIS professionals in Punjab, Pakistan, while recognizing the challenges they face in accessing such opportunities.

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