
The relevance of the article is that the National Police of Ukraine is a central executive body, the main purpose of which is to serve society. Although the system, structure and main activities of the police are defined in the current legislation, they are constantly being transformed. This is primarily due to the fact that the police is a relatively new body in the executive branch and is not considered the successor to the police, and therefore it is impossible to immediately form an ideal institution, so it is not surprising that it is constantly optimized. On the other hand, the police are in constant and inseparable interaction with a society that is inherently dynamic, so the nature of such links changes in proportion to the requirements of this society, which again leads to the transformation of the National Police of Ukraine. But despite the relatively short period of existence of the police and constant reform processes, certain legal bases for building its information space have already been formed: a number of regulations have been adopted, which, in particular, regulate public relations for the creation of electronic information resources in the National Police. electronic document management, created records, registers, telecommunications resources, databases that require appropriate protection of already accumulated information. The article defines the content and essence of information support of the National Police. The main directions of its organizational and analytical activity are described. Databases that are filled in and maintained by the police are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the achievements and shortcomings of information support of the National Police. It is concluded that the information support of the National Police of Ukraine in today's conditions is represented by a set of methods, measures and tools of various kinds that ensure the creation and operation of information technology, as well as their effective use to solve police tasks.


  • The relevance of the article is that the National Police of Ukraine is a central executive body

  • main activities of the police are defined in the current legislation

  • This is primarily due to the fact that the police is a

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Актуальність статті полягає в тому, що Національна поліція України є центральним органом виконавчої влади, основна мета якого полягає у тому, щоб служити суспільству. Проведене дослідження та аналіз нормативно-правового регулювання діяльності поліції в інформаційній сфері дають підстави стверджувати, що інформаційне забезпечення Національної поліції України в умовах сьогодення представлене комплексом методів, заходів та засобів різного характеру, які забезпечують створення та функціонування інформаційних технологій, а також їх ефективне використання для вирішення покладених на поліцію завдань

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