
The article examines the preconditions for the establishment of the State Bureau of Investigation. Emphasis is placed on activities related to the interaction of the State Bureau of Investigation with other public authorities. The basic principles of organization and activity of the State Bureau of Investigation are considered. Vocabulary and scientific views on the formation of the concept of "interaction" are analyzed. The formation of this concept is carried out in the intersectoral direction. It is emphasized that to study the phenomenon of interaction of DBI with other government agencies, it is appropriate and necessary to apply a systematic approach, which requires that this complex phenomenon be considered in a set of interconnected and interdependent components. From the standpoint of this approach, the interaction of the DBI with other government agencies can be considered in a broad and narrow sense. It is noted that the purpose of the DBI's interaction with other public authorities is determined by the DBI's status, the purpose of its activities and the relevant tasks. The tasks of the DBI related to the prevention, detection, cessation, detection and investigation of crimes are considered. It is noted that the DBI interacts with other law enforcement agencies, namely: prosecutors, internal affairs, National Police, NABU, SBU, the central executive body that ensures the formation and implementation of state tax and customs policy, the central executive body that implements state policy in the field of prevention and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime or terrorist financing (specially authorized executive body for financial monitoring), other state bodies that, in accordance with the law, carry out operational and investigative activities. Emphasis is placed on the shortcomings in the legal support of the DBI's interaction with other state bodies. Author's suggestions for eliminating shortcomings in this direction are given.

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