
The article reflects the state of the content of technological education in relation to directions of development, increasing the efficiency and safety of the functioning of technogenic society. It is shown that the training of the younger generation is carried out by various educational branches consisting of academic disciplines. The scope and content of these fields of knowledge and the structure of connections between them determine the level of education at this stage of society’s development. The higher the level of a person’s education, the more fully the surrounding world is reflected in his consciousness, the more deeply he is aware of his place in it, the greater the degree of his responsibility for maintaining harmony in this world, the easier is the integration of a person in society.It is shown that rapid technological development provides humanity with qualitatively new living conditions, increases human capabilities, and accelerates the processes of learning about the surrounding world. On the other hand, the development of technologies often has a detrimental effect on the biosphere and leads to irreversible consequences, forcing us to look for ways of safe interaction between the biosphere and the technosphere.An analysis of the concept of “technology” is presented. It was found that there are dozens of definitions of this concept, but the question of establishing the most significant one, which would correspond to this multi-meaning entity, remains open. It was determined that technology and engineering are not aimed at obtaining knowledge for its own sake, but involve their development and use for practical purposes, they are, first of all, practice based on knowledge.Furthermore, it is proven that the content of this educational field is intended to reflect the existing level of technical and technological culture of society, to show development trends and opportunities for self-determination and self-realization of the individual in the modern technological world.
 Keywords: technique; technology; “Technology” field of study; technogenic society; technosphere; biosphere; technological education; technological culture.

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