
Recently, we proposed (1) to enrich diamondcon� taining ores using a triboelectrometric method for sep� arating natural diamonds. This method is based on detecting an electric charge that is acquired by dia� mond as a result of its electrization in contact with the surface of a metal vibrating wash pan. This Letter pre� sents the results of an investigation of the possible mechanisms of triboelectric charging of diamond crystals that occur repeatedly in contact with the metal surface. The triboelectric charge accumulated on natural diamond crystals in the course of their motion over the surface of an aluminum vibrating pan was measured under laboratory conditions (temperature, +20 °C; relative humidity, 60%) using a special setup intended for the investigation of triboelectric charging of miner� als. The experiments were performed with a laboratory collection of natural diamond crystals with dimen� sions ranging within 1-7 mm. The electric charge was measured with an error not exceeding 3%. An analysis of the results of measurements led to following con� clusions: (i) All natural diamond crystals in the series studied acquired a positive charge in the course of contact electrization on the surface of an aluminum vibrating pan.

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