
Rapid and accurate subsurface descriptions and flow predictions contribute to profitable field development, particularly for deep water fields of modest size. This paper shows how 3-D seismic acoustic impedance played an essential roll in that process. This Tertiary field example exhibits a classic Gulf of Mexico {open_quotes}bright{close_quotes} seismic response. The slope channel deposits yielded reflections from stacked pay zones that were often interfering vertically and laterally variable. Seismic acoustic impedance inversion for volume estimation, well placement and flow model construction. Flow model construction was facilitated using Stratamodel, where reservoir boundaries, porosity and permeability were estimated from seismic acoustic impedance. This provided a {open_quotes}deterministic{close_quotes} flow model with which well choices and development economics were explored. Alternate flow models were developed in which the effect of fine scale (sub-seismic) heterogeneities were investigated. A 3-D {open_quotes}stochastic{close_quotes} model was developed that honored geostatistical parameters as well as seismic acoustic impedance. This gave insight to permeability distributions and confirmed that connectivity between scattered sand bodies would not significantly degrade the field performance predicted by deterministic models.

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