
A constant-deviation constant-length spherical grating monochromator was constructed at the bending-magnet beamline 8B1 of the UVSOR. The monochromator has a simple scanning mechanism with a fixed position of the entrance and exit slits, as well as fixed directions of incident and exit photon beams. The monochromator was designed to cover the photon energy of 31–620 eV with three interchangeable laminar gratings (1080 lines/mm: R=15 m, 540 lines/mm: R=15 m, 360 lines/mm: R=7.5 m). All gratings are original gratings fabricated on synthetic quartz substrates and coated with Au. The resolving power evaluated by ray tracing at the lowest energy of each grating with 10 μm slit width is ∼4400 for two high energy gratings and ∼7000 for a low energy grating. In the preliminary performance check, it was found that the output spectrum of the monochromator with G1 grating extends up to 870 eV with resolving power of ∼4000 at 400 eV with 10 μm slits.

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