
School-Based Management (SBM) has served as a key reform program, concretizing decentralization in the basic education sector in different parts of the world, including the Philippines. The study used qualitative research methods, including key informant interviews and focus groups of faculty and administrators, to explore the challenges of SBM in the area of curriculum and learning in a public secondary school. Results revealed that poor foundation of basic knowledge, inadequate school facilities and instructional materials, non-observance of time on task policy, students' misbehaviour and poor academic interest, low parental support, as well as errors in learners' materials were among the challenges being confronted by English, Science, and Mathematics (ENSCIMA) teachers that affect the successful implementation of the curriculum and learning. The study recommended different strategies, which include benchmarking activities through school-to-school partnerships, immersion activities, organization of a quality management team, remedial and intervention sessions, additional School Learning Action Cell (SLAC) and In-Service Training (INSET) sessions, student orientation, parents' summit, for a symposium, and write-shop. These activities, if collaboratively undertaken by various stakeholders, will help address the challenges that would result in efficient SBM, leading to a successful and quality education in the country.

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