
Economic historiography and, especially, the history of left-wing magazines in their economic dimension, have been partially concerned with the stage of the government of Raúl Alfonsín (1983-1989). In this paper we propose to analyze the socioeconomic vision of the magazine Confrontation of ideas for a new society (hereinafter, Confrontation) and its main insignia as an editorial project. Composed of intellectuals with extensive academic and political experience in Argentina, the profile of the publication and its main concerns regarding the political and economic reality of that time are analyzed. Following the theoretical proposal of the latest studies on political and economic periodicals, we find that the proposal affiliated with an intellectual left that Confrontación exhibited produced a complex and articulated look around alfonsinism, as well as on the main political and economic problems that at that time then they whipped Argentina. The latter was mainly characterized by producing a comprehensive analysis of the economic dimension, which included an intertwining between the future of world capitalism and national problems derived from local politics characterized by a pro-democratic plan formulated by the Alfonsín government.

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