
The article is devoted to the processes of Muslim women fleeing to Germany. In the article, the authors consider the Muslim women fleeing to Germany in conditions of increased conflict in their countries of origin as a separate type of refugees. An attempt has been made to characterize the psycho-social condition of refugee women who arrived in Germany and to determine their qualitative and quantitative characteristics. The authors paid attention to what factors affect their involvement in society. Our study has proved that refugees are a separate component of German society because they directly affect the demographic and socio-economic situation in Germany. Ensuring the stable and effective socio-economic development of Germany with the involvement of all categories of the population is directly related to the implementation of public policy. The study of the gender aspects of refugees may help to identify key issues, the solution of which will facilitate the rapid adaptation and integration of Muslim refugees in German society, and, in prospect, to actively involve them in the development of German society.The results of the study helped in the analysis of the integration and adaptation processes of Muslim refugees as a separate part of refugees. Women refugees are a more vulnerable category of refugees, so they can be easily manipulated and abused. Identifying problems during integration may help to improve mechanisms for the protection of refugees and asylum seekers.In this article, the authors focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the reception and adaptation of refugees, as well as the establishment of new rules to meet the basic needs of refugees in shelters, the lack of which is unsanitary norms and the impossibility of distancing. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the decision-making process and refugee reception procedures, so the analysis of the challenges points to weaknesses in human rights mechanisms for refugees.

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