
The formed system of conceptual provisions for ensuring the sustainability of organizational development of large-scale economic and production systems is indicative of the implementation of the author's system of hypotheses regarding: the need to use the integration capabilities of individual business entities to gain advantages in competition and to support the sustainability of coordinated development; supporting the sustainability of large-scale economic and production systems by optimizing the components of the integration base, correctly forming the architecture of large-scale economic and production systems and choosing the most appropriate organizational form; the possibility of modeling the development of large-scale economic and production systems through the correlation of its architectural representation with the stages of the life cycle; the use of the competencies of business entities as a basis for integration interaction within the framework of a certain economic and production system; subordination of the efficiency of functioning and development of large-scale economic and production systems is determined by the degree of disclosure of the potential of integration interaction of input to large-scale economic and production participants. The proof of these hypotheses made it possible to emphasize that ensuring the sustainability of the organizational development of large-scale economic and production systems is achieved due to the optimization of the structure and interaction parameters of strategic business units (participants) of the large-scale economic and production system, which increases the relevance of developments in the field of institutional regulation of the life activities of large-scale economic and production systems . Such formation of large-scale systems creates additional competitive advantages through, for example, the concentration of resources on the most effective business practices or through the creation of a more effective system of calculations. At the same time, the implementation of integration processes or an increase in the scope of activities always causes the manifestation of certain factors-threats and difficulties, the solution of which requires an appropriate economic basis. So, first of all, the increase in the scale of enterprise activity leads to the complication of the organizational structure and the appearance of numerous defects in ensuring the operation of management mechanisms. Secondly, the occurrence of any type of enterprise merger increases the probability of negative manifestation of corporate conflicts. Thirdly, attention should be paid to the threat of dispersal of property relations as a result of integration-disintegration processes. Finally, the variety of possible organizational forms of interaction between enterprises requires a certain theoretical unification.

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