
Research in the field of thermal enhancement is going to increase due to their diverse applications in the field of chemical industries and engineering domains. Nanofluids deal with the concentration of nano-sized particles that act as base fluids, such as vegetable oil, vinegar, ethylene glycol, water, etc. In the current study, the hydro-dynamic or MHD (Magneto-hydrodynamic) instability of nanofluid in which nanoparticles (gold, silver and bentonite) are considered to encounter wastewater treatment. Here, the special nature of the magnetic field known as the transverse magnetic field is used in the current analysis. Reynold’s number with various parameters is analyzed for the stability of wastewater. Nanoparticles dispersed due to the effect of magnetic effect in a base fluid (water) are employed. This experiment is done by using Reynold operations, it is observed that first, the fluid flow is not stable and adding a nanoparticle flow to be more stable. The critical Reynolds number, temperature, time, pressure, and volume fraction of nanoparticles are estimated and given numerically in tables and graphs. The instabilities of nanofluids that contain nanoparticles with water as the based fluid for different embedded physical parameters are compared and discussed using growth rate and neutral graphs.

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