
The digital electronic technology course is a basic course for electrical, electronic information, instrumentation and other specialties. It is a basic course of core technology about the application of electronic technology. According to the characteristics and development status of digital electronic technology course, combined with the training objectives of applied talents, this paper explores the comprehensive reform of digital electronic technology course from the aspects of course textbook construction, teaching method research, theory and practice teaching system construction and ability training of engineering quality training. The principle of combining theory with practice is carried out in the course structure. The theory teaching strives to be concise. It requires mastering concepts, strengthening application and highlighting engineering features. Practice teaching pays attention to ability. It requires gradual progress. It implements from confirmatory experiment to comprehensive design experiment in experiment, and introduces computer simulation technology. We should adhere to the principle of student-centered, carry out the idea of subjectivity education, change the traditional teaching concept, teacher-student relationship and teaching methods, and strengthen the spirit of innovation and innovation consciousness. We actively explore project-driven, inquiry, discussion, participation and other teaching methods for teaching. The research has a certain reference significance for the construction of applied undergraduate digital electronic technology courses and related courses under the background of transformation in the paper.

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