
We report equilibrium molecular simulation data for the classical Lennard-Jones (LJ) model, covering all thermodynamic states where the crystal is stable, as well as fluid states near coexistence with the crystal; both fcc and hcp polymorphs are considered. These data are used to compute coexistence lines and triple points for equilibrium among the fcc, hcp, and fluid phases. All results are obtained with very high accuracy and precision such that coexistence conditions are obtained with one to two significant figures more than previously reported. All properties are computed in the limit of an infinite cutoff radius of the LJ potential and in the limit of an infinite number of atoms; furthermore, the effect of vacancy defects on the free energy of the crystals is included. Data are fit to a semi-empirical equation of state to within their estimated precision, and convenient formulas for the thermodynamic and coexistence properties are provided. Of particular interest is the liquid-vapor-fcc triple point temperature, which we compute to be 0.694 55 ± 0.000 02 (in LJ units).

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