
The issue of the revelation of the content of instrumental-instructive constituents of action, which are immanent to logos-system mechanism, for expanding and embodiment of cultural forms of settling reality, and also the sense of planning technologies and methods for the acceptance of city planning decisions was examined in the frames of creative-recursive concept of settling. In that context the analysis of reasons of origin and regularities of becoming of settlements and cites as landscape settling phenomena-subjects, with the ability to self-correction and directed accomplishment in accordance with self-determined pre-established mission was realized. Theoretical and methodological approaches and concepts concerning instrumental and instructive constituents of universal mechanism of generation and regulation of settling phenomena, and also concerning the principles of their comprehensive existence and adequate city planning were examined.The key role of compositional aggregate of logos-system mechanism for explication of cultural forms of settling, and transcendental character of work its trigger-schemes and installing schemes in reference to consolidation of the whole landscape settling areas on the base of transfer-technologies as transition from the ideal (in the language of forms) to the real (in the language of things) state of settling actuality was mentioned. The ontological issues concerning the basis for compositional instructions (installing schemes-assemblers) and planning technologies for ensuring existential accomplishment of base processes and environmental attributes of settling: processes of forming – constitution of environment ("where" and "what"); processes of functioning – function of environment ("when, hour long" and "that in anything"); processes of development – characteristics environment ("in which degree" and "that from wherefore"); processes of reconstitution – regular alteration of environment ("in what way" and "that for the sake of what-wherefore"), – were formulated.The content of theoretical and methodological ontical argumentation of transcendental primordium of planning technologies ensemble is reflected in semantic model in reference to accomplishment of creative-recursive principles of settling by means of action by compositional mechanism and appropriate instructive installing schemes, which realize the laws of fractal symmetry and recurrent asymmetry of its work for ensuring regulated materialization (reeffication) and signification (sublimation) of phenomena of settling. The classification of instructive installing schemes as technological planning succession (methodically subordinate links) concerning ensuring and reglamentation creative-recursive accomplishment of settling phenomenon with definition of normalizing directives in reference to harmonization of parameters for materialization and directions for signification of urban landscape attributes as the whole was realized.Those classes of instructive installing schemes-assemblers were distinguished:teleological expanding of denominated settling topoforms as comprehension of intension of Spirit and purpose-oriented activation of configurator of Logos (moderation of principles of aleatoric, superposition and syntectic) with ascertainment of sense-meaning for system connections and ratios of the whole settling landscape areas;reflexive controllable (transflexive) congruent embodiment of attributive immanent resources (space, time, substance, language) of settling reality topoforms with ascertainment of senses for compositional identificational connections and planning ratios of process-environment destinations and caesure of settling landscape area;operative cyclostaged embodiment of actual reality topoforms ensemble in the context of cultural-historical transformations of the whole landscape constituents with ascertainment of meaning for hierarchical organizing connections and ratios (delimitation) and indexes of full value and formedence of process-environment districts (division into districts) of settlements and cities;variative cyclostaged signification of topoform things-phenomena attributes (constitution, function, characteristics, regular alteration) in definite diapasons on the scales for regulation of pre-established landscape transformation with ascertainment of meaning for diffusional genetical connections and ratios of centring of process-environment zones (zoning) of settlements and cities; imperative cyclostaged materialization (reeffication) of attributes of topoformed things as settling phenomena – landscape whole and its fragments in diapasons of landscape (trans)formation with ascertainment of meaning for structural horizontal (rizoma) connections and ratios of "reinforcing" of process-environment territorial networks and aggregating of junctions for landscape infrastructure of settlement and cities.

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