
New patterns of internal migration in Belgium - 1963-1976. As has been observed in several Western industrialized countries, in Belgium too recent patterns of migration indicate a definite shift towards further suburbanization and even counter-urbanization. The amplitude of the shift is revealed here by an analysis of the communal distribution of net migration rates and by comparing such distributions for the period 1973-76 with those for 1963-67. In addition, multiple regression equations indicate that re gressors such as the proportion of the labour force in agriculture, local employment opportunities indices, income level and communal population density are either becoming inadequate predictors of the net-migration rates or have an impact that goes in the opposite direction from what was observed in the I960's . On the other hand, positive net-migration rates are increasingly associated with the availability of a pleasant environment and good access to major roads. An increase in commuting volume follows, which creates specific problems with respect to public transportation, energy consumption and land use...

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