
The purpose of judicial enforcement civil proceedings is to enforce enforceable rights established or established in investigative proceedings. Therefore, the optimal solution would be if the necessity of its initiation appeared as seldom as possibile. Unfortunately, the period of fluctuations in the global economy, affecting the economic situation in Poland, punishes with special attention towards those institutions of enforcement proceedings whose task is to enable the forced execution of obligations. One of the most important institutions of civil enforcement proceedings is a complaint about the bailiff’s action. The method of shaping its legal nature requires the legislator to maintain a certain balance between providing due protection to both parties to enforcement proceedings, i.e. both the creditor and the debtor. The necessity to protect the latter is obvious to the public, which results from the considerable powers of the bailiff in the course of execution. From the viewpoint, however, one cannot lose the interest of the creditor, who has the full right to expect from the rule of law, appropriate assistance in the efficient and possibly quick recovery of claims covered by the relevant writ of execution.

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