
TED-Med Viewing, Listening & Speaking is compiled to serve academic audio-visual-oral English teaching in medical colleges. This paper elaborates some compilation ideas concerning this text-book. First, both the urgent needs of academic English teaching and the unique advantages of TED speech are the major stimulus to compiling this textbook. Second, its compiling philosophy adheres to learning centered, meaningful input. Third, compiling process is divided into three stages-preparation, writing and evaluation. Third, compiling principles includes four aspects: language and medical knowledge integrate organically, the text and the task are authentic; proficiency training approaches are scientific; and the text-book is suitable for autonomous learning. Forth, the main content covers four medicine-related themes-humanity, health, disease, science and technology; each theme consists of three sub topics with 12 units(topics)in total; the content is interesting, informative and reflective. These compilation ideas prove to be scientific and feasible demonstrated by English teachers and medical experts. TED-Med Viewing, Listening & Speaking is expected to be completed and published earlier in order to promote academic English teach-ing and research in medical colleges. Key words: TED-Med Viewing, Listening & Speaking; Compilation ideas; Academic English

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