
The advent of social media platforms has profoundly altered human existence. People can interact anytime and anywhere thanks to various social media platforms, which not only enhances people's free time but also opens up job chances for an increasing number of people. Social media apps occupy a significant portion of peoples time, and people often use these platforms to enrich their lives. This paper takes Xiaohongshu as an example to elaborate on its development trajectory, platform functions, and audience groups, analyze its core competitiveness, and finally compare Xiaohongshu with Weibo and TikTok in terms of user data, monthly active users (MAUs), product recommendation efficiency, and content. Through this study, it is evident that while Xiaohongshu may not be the most mainstream social media platform, its unique search model enables more accurate content delivery to users. Hence, Xiaohongshu is currently in a developmental phase with a rapidly increasing user growth rate.

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