
The Covid 19 pandemic that hit the world for about two years has weakened economic performance in all fields. The Indonesian economy has experienced a decline due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the minimum level of consumption, and the imposition of restrictions on people's movements which have triggered a decrease in people's purchasing power. This certainly has an impact on business actors with production process delays due to the supply of raw materials that are not smooth and the market reach of these business actors is increasingly limited due to the minimal use of technology. To overcome this, business actors must quickly adapt by making operational transitions or additional operations through e-commerce. The operational transition process through e-commerce allows businesses to continue to market their products with a wider range than before. This limited access is caused by batik craftsmen not adopting technology and product diversification innovation. The batik creative industry is experiencing rapid growth, this development shows the existence of community creativity in seeing business opportunities. The internal and external aspects of this business must be integrated into a development strategy model to increase competitive advantage in the creative batik business

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