
This study examines the benefits visitors perceive from tourism objects in Sidomulyo Village, Pronojiwo District, and Lumajang Regency from a business and legal perspective, MSME development by the community surrounding the tourism location, and the willingness of visitors to pay to preserve and develop tourism potential, which is closely related to tourism travel costs. This study used a descriptive quantitative research method. SPSS 21 was used to analyze the data in this analysis. Multiple linear regression and legal approach analysis is one of the analytical techniques. The legal approach method is used to study tourism policies. This research concluded that the potential of natural tourist places in Sidomulyo Village, Pronojiwo District, and Lumajang Regency still have excellent development opportunities. It can be proven that travel costs, mileage, and income affect the level of visits to tourist places. In comparison, the level of education does not affect the number of visits. The value of the benefits obtained by visitors to Sidomulyo Village tourism attractions remains greater than visitors' willingness to pay. Through building up quality MSMEs and Pokdarwis (Tourism Awareness Group) institutions, the local community must continue learning more about developing village tourism.

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