
Purpose: Comparative study of effect of sprouting on amino acid in white Sorghum Bicolor and Pennisetum Glaucum Methodology:The utilization of plant-derived foods as functional ingredients in food system continues to be of research interest as a purpose of achieving good health and well-being, target 3 of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Standard methods involving combined classical protein hydrolysis and derivatization with fast separation by Ultra High Performance Liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and detection by a single quadrupole (QDa) mass spectrometer were used to analyze Sorghum bicolor and Pennisetum glaucum for amino acid profile before and after sprouting. Results: The data showed that eighteen amino acids were determined in all, which includes the essential for the growth of the infants, semi-essential amino acids and the nonessential amino acids (Harper, 1989). The levels in the sample were ranged as follows; unsprouted raw white sorghum bicolor seed flour (1.86±0.07-17.6±0.15), sprouted white Sorghum bicolor seed flour (1.93±0.06-17.7±0.08) unsprouted Pennisetum glaucum (1.86±0.07-17.7±0.09) sprouted Pennisetum glaucum (2.07±0.02-17.8±0.07) .The CV% for the values ranged between 0.26-74.2%. The cereals are very rich in ceucine and deficient in methionine and Tryptophan. TAA, TEAA with his, TEA without his, TNEAA, TArAA, TAAA, TBAA, TNAA, TSAA, %TEAA with his in the amino acid profile for white Sorghum bicolordecreased in level after sprouting while TNEAA increased after sprouting. All the quality parameters level increased in Pennisetum glaucum after sprouting. The result of the research showed that Sorghum bicolor and Pennisetum glaucum seeds flours, especially the sprouted ones contains appreciable amount of essential amino acid which made them to be a good source of quality parameter of amino acid. This could be relied upon as a good cheap for supplement of essential amino acid in food in order to solve the problems of protein energy malnutrition which could be very useful in infant food production and also for the production of cookies for diabetic patients. Unique Contribution to Theory and Practice: From the current research work, Sorghum bicolor and Pennisetum glaucum seeds flours are good source of quality parameter of amino acid especially the sprouted ones which could be relied upon as a good cheap for supplement of essential amino acid in food in order to solve the problems of protein energy malnutrition

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