
Objective. The objective of the article is to summarize the factors influencing the choice of method of transmitting realia; by comparative analysis of the original and Ukrainian translations to identify and analyze translation techniques of rendering realia of the novel “Robin Hood” by Ch. Wilson and J. McSpadden. Methods. The main scientific results are obtained applying a set of general scientific and special methods of research, namely: analysis and generalization of scientific literature on the problems of realia translation; theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis; holistic and integral approaches to the study of realia phenomena; comparative, descriptive and analytical methods. Results. In the process of translating works of art, a special difficulty is the translation of realia — elements of language and culture, which often preserve implicit meanings. The well-known translations of the novel «Robin Hood» by Ch. Wilson and J. McSpadden into Ukrainian are the translations of Yu. Yura and I. Bazylianska. Having analyzed the realia in the novel «Robin Hood» by Ch. Wilson and J. McSpadden, the authors of the article make an attempt to single out their main types and means of translation into Ukrainian. In their opinion, the Ukrainian translators of the novel «Robin Hood» have quite successfully reproduced the linguistic realia as carriers of national colour in the original work of the authors. They used various means of translating units of non-equivalent vocabulary. They use transcription and transliteration when reality acquired the status of internationalism, i.e. the name or concept well known to the reader of the translation. However, sometimes in addition to transcription or transliteration, they have to add an explanation in the form of a footnote. They apply only descriptive translation in cases where there is no adequate equivalent in the language that can be provided in the translation. Quite often translators use a functional analogue. They do it when there is a similar realia in our country in terms of content and functions. Calque is applied by translators if the meaning of the realia remains in the literal translation and it is clear to the recepient. Also, the authours of the article have singled out the frequent use of one of the most common methods of compensating information for the reader of the translation such as comments and remarks, which allow to balance the pragmatic impact.

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