
According to the history, the Persian language is one of the oldest languages in the world that has not lost its features. Following a different times and historical conditions, Persian words, as well as the Arabic language, influenced the vocabulary of other languages. The vocabulary of the Uzbek language is no exception in this process. From ancient times, the use of the Persian-Tajik language was observed side by side with the languages of the countries of Mawarannahr, in particular with the Uzbek language. As a result, many words from the Persian and Arabic languages were integrated into the lexical structure of the Uzbek language, that is, they are used as general words in both Persian and Uzbek languages. However, not all general words are used to express the same meaning.
 There are such original Persian words in the Uzbek language, the semantic border of which has a different meaning in the Persian language, while in the Uzbek language it has a different meaning. It is important to note that these words-terms used in both languages refer to the active speech layer in these languages. In addition, the ways of formation of those general words in comparable languages must comply with international standards. As a result of such studies, clarity is introduced into the questions of the etymological basis and the semantic boundary of general words in the Persian and Uzbek languages.
 For example, in the Uzbek language, there are a number of general words-terms, such as “оромгоҳ” (“camp”), “деҳқон” (“farmer”), “дастак” (“lever”), “тухумдон” (“ovary”), “хонанда” (“singer”), “олийгоҳ” (“university”) and “лашкаргоҳ” (“military camp”), which do not express meaning as in the Persian language. Even today, these words are general words expressing the features of terms that have been proposed and already have been introduced instead of Russian-international words. A semantic and functional study of such words will contribute to the development of Uzbek lexicology. Because after giving the status of “state language” to the Uzbek language in 1989, the task became to take care of its authority. Accordingly, this article aims to cover the structural-semantic analysis of general Persian words-terms used today in the Uzbek language.


  • It is known that in the early twentieth century, according to the theoretical and scientific views and proposals developed by the Vienna, Prague and Russian schools of terminology in world terminology, an international standard has emerged in general linguistics, which can be applied to all languages

  • In 1989, a year after the Uzbek language was granted the status of the state language, in 1990; the Terminology Committee was established under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  • The Uzbek language is actively used in public administration, interstate relations, science, education, medicine, culture and art

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It is known that in the early twentieth century, according to the theoretical and scientific views and proposals developed by the Vienna, Prague and Russian schools of terminology in world terminology, an international standard has emerged in general linguistics, which can be applied to all languages. A number of standardization associations were established, such as ISA (International Association for Standardization), British Standard Institution (ISO), ISO (International Organization for Standardization). The activities of these organizations are combined with the International Standard of Terminology - ISO 704 (hereinafter - the International Standard). It was republished in 2000 with standard amendments [1, 2000]. In the East, especially in Iran, three ―language academies‖ have been established over time to preserve the purity of language The latter is the third academy, which was founded in 1991 and has its own Guidelines for the creation and presentation of the term. In 1991, the ―Atamakom‖ for Uzbek language terminology began its work and completed its work in a short period of time

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