
The study aimed to show the degree of school leaders’ practicing of toxic leadership, the level of psychological well-being, and the relationship between the two variables from the teachers’ point of view in public schools in Riyadh; as they represent the study population. A random sample of (252) male and female teachers was selected. The two researchers designed a questionnaire as study tool consisting of two aspects: First: (toxic practicing); In three fields, the second (psychological well-being); In six fields. The results showed that the degree to which school leaders practice toxic leadership is (low), and that the level of psychological well-being is (high)


  • First of all, the researches thank Prince Sattam bin AbdulazizUniversity represented www.psychologyandeducation.net by scientific research deanship for providing financial support for this study.Successful leadership theories have been keen on effectiveness and efficiency to fullyPSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) ISSN: 0033-3077 Volume: 58(3): Pages: 733-750 Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021 achieve optimal investment of organizations' resources as complete inclusion, that guarantees achieving a harmonious balance between production on one hand and workers on the other hand

  • Since the school is one of the most important educational institutions in society, the risks of toxic leadership are more evident in the school environment, and teachers are victims of high leaders, as teachers are the most affected by school leadership decisions, and in the context of attention to the psychological conditions surrounding teachers' work in the school environment, it was stressed that attention should be paid to the study of the psychological state of teachers and the factors affecting them from their point of view (Collie, Shapka)

  • The role of psychological well-being in the quality of the work environment in educational institutions has been extended by many studies showing positive relationships between the level of individual psychological well-being, and many variables, including the level of academic achievement, social skills, and career satisfaction (Robertson & Cooper, 2010)

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The researches thank Prince Sattam bin AbdulazizUniversity represented www.psychologyandeducation.net by scientific research deanship for providing financial support for this study. New teachers get shocked by this kind of toxic leadership, that is psychologically and practically devastating. Public education in the Riyadh region and the psychological well-being of teachers?. - Exposing the degree of practicing toxic leadership by school leaders in public education in Riyadh, from the teachers' point of view. - Testing the relationship between the degree of toxic leadership practiced by school leaders in public education in the Riyadh region and the psychological well-being of teachers from their point of view. - Detecting whether there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α = 0.05) in the opinions of the study sample due to the following variables (gender, experience, educational stage). - What is the degree to which school leaders practice toxic leadership in public education in Riyadh from the teachers' point of view?

Toxic leadership
Psychological well-being
Destroys virtuous educational values
38 Colleagues trust me and I trust them
27 It‟s difficult to satisfyingly arrange my life
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