
The purpose of the article is to explore the possibilities of powder material compaction by the pressure pulse of an electric explosion of a conductor, establish a functional relationship between the parameters of the pressure pulse and an electrical technological installation for powder material compaction, select the parameters for pulse pressure amplitude and duration adjustment, and specify the design options of the working tool for powder material compaction. Analytical studies have been carried out on the basis of the method of formalized representation of the development of the process of pulse pressure wave formation and propagation where the latter is created by an expanding plasma channel of an electric spark in a transmitting medium initiated by an electric explosion of a wire. The simulation of high-speed de formation of the pipe wall under the action of the pulse pressure is carried out in the MATLAB software package. A scanning electron microscope is used to study the microstructure of the breakage of the compacted material with nanomodifiers. Based on the experimental studies on powder material compaction by the pulse pressure created by the expanding plasma channel of a spark initiated by an electric explosion of a wire when the current pulse f rom an electrotechnological installation is supplied to it, it has been determined that the magnitude and shape of the pressure pulse are most influenced by the parameters of this installation. Based on the obtained model studies, the optimal modes for compaction of nanomodified powders have been selected. The relationship is obtained between the parameters of the pulse pressure (Pm amplitude and pressure wave propagation form) and the electrotechnological installation (voltage, inductance, capacitance). It is proposed to use an acoustic-electric wave model to estimate the pressure that provides high-speed deformation of metal pipes, and to plot a deformation profile of metal pipes used for compaction. Analysis of SEM images of the fractures obtained in compact experiments has showed a high degree of particle compaction with the formation of a solid composite.


  • The purpose of the article is to explore the possibilities of powder material compaction by the pressure pulse of an electric explosion of a conductor, establish a functional relationship between the parameters of the pressure pulse and an electrical technological installation for powder material compaction, select the parameters for pulse pressure amplitude and duration adjustment, and specify the design options of the working tool for powder material compaction

  • A sca nning electron microscope is used to study the microstructure of the breakage of the compacted material with nanomodifiers

  • Based on the experimental studies on powder material compaction by the pulse pressure created by the expanding plasma channel of a spark initiated by an electric explosion of a wire when the current pulse from an electrotechnological installation is supplied to it, it has been determined that the magnitude and shape of the pressure pulse are most infl uenced by the parameters of this installation

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Энергетика Power Engineering

На основе метода формализованного представления развития процесса формирования и распространения импульсной волны давл ения, создаваемой расширяющимся плазменным каналом электрической искры в передающей среде, которая инициирована электрическим взрывом проводника, проведены аналитические исследования. На основе проведенных экспериментальных исследований по компактированию порошковых материалов импульсным давлением, созданного расширяющимся плазменным каналом искры, инициируемой электрическим взрывом проводника при подаче на него импульса тока от электротехнологической установки, установлено, что на величину и форму импульса давления максимально влияют параметры данной установки. Исходя из полученных модельных исследований, выбраны оптимальные режимы для компактирования порошков с наномодификаторами. Компактирование порошковых материалов импульсным давлением, создаваемым плазменным расширяющимся каналом искры, инициируемой электрическим взрывом проводника.

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