
 This research is aimed to describe handling model toward disaster-prone and vulnerable condition in Tugumukti Village through community preparedness in the effort of Community-based disaster risk reduction. It is an approach to encourage local community in managing disaster risk. This approach is expected to create an independent community and have abilities in managing disaster risk. Preparedness is one important part in reducing disaster risk which demands ability and community participation especially people who live in the disaster-prone area. This research used qualitative action research where the researcher is the research instrument. The action research requires the researcher to do direct practice in the community as the subject being studied. In knowing preparedness in Tugumukti Village based on preparedness framework to disaster developed by LIPI in collaboration with Unesco/ISDR (2006) that is (1) attitude and knowledge system, (2) Policy and Manual, (3) Emergency Planning, (4) Alert System and (5) Resource Mobilization.The research about community preparedness initiated by tested the community preparedness model conducted in three-month practicum, such as (1) ground motion socialization, (2) the installation of banners about landslide (3) 1000 tree planting in landslide area, and (4) drainage channels improvement. Community preparedness model which have been tested in the research is the initial model. The result of the initial model through the interview, FGD and researcher analysis based on preparedness framework toward disaster, then generated that trialing the early models is only just at the stage of the first parameter that is the knowledge and attitudes, while for the other parameters are still said to be less. Based on that, it is necessary to improve the model. In improving the model, participatory action plan formulated by the implementation of the activities through (1) The formation of disaster management community (KMPB), (2) construction and installation evacuation route and meeting point (3) Beras perelek activation, (4) KMPB account making, (5) KMPB post construction, (6) early warning manufacture, (7) disaster equipment procurement, and (8) Training for landslide emergency response simulation.


  • Bencana tanah longsor menjadi masalah yang serius di beberapa daerah di Indonesia, karena kejadiannya selalu meningkat dari tahun ke tahun

  • Preparedness is one important part in reducing disaster risk which demands ability and community participation especially people who live in the disaster-prone area

  • In knowing preparedness in Tugumukti Village based on preparedness framework to disaster developed by LIPI in collaboration with Unesco/ISDR (2006) that is (1) attitude and knowledge system, (2) Policy and Manual, (3) Emergency Planning, (4) Alert System and (5) Resource Mobilization.The research about community preparedness initiated by tested the community preparedness model conducted in three-month practicum, such as (1) ground motion socialization, (2) the installation of banners about landslide (3) 1000 tree planting in landslide area, and (4) drainage channels improvement

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Kesiapsiagaan Bencana

Di masyarakat masih banyak terdapat berbagai penafsiran berbeda terhadap konsep kesiapsiagaan. Dalam kajian untuk pengembangan kerangka penilaian kesiapsiagaan masyarakat, telah digunakan suatu konsep dari Nick Carter dalam Deny Hidayati, dkk (2006) mengenai kesiapsiagaan dari suatu pemerintahan, suatu kelompok masyarakat atau individu, yaitu tindakan-tindakan yang memungkinkan pemerintahan, organisasi-organisasi, masyarakat, komunitas dan individu untuk mampu menanggapi suatu situasi bencana secara cepat dan tepat guna. Kesiapsiagaan merupakan salah satu bagian dalam manajemen bencana yang diartikan sebagai kesiapan masyarakat di semua lapisan untuk mengenali ancaman yang ada di sekitarnya serta mempunyai mekanisme dan cara untuk menghadapi bencana. Berdasarkan framework kesiapsiagaan terhadap bencana yang dikembangkan oleh LIPI bekerjasama dengan Unesco/ISDR dalam Deny Hidayati, dkk (2011:1), kesiapsiagaan dikelompokkan kedalam lima parameter yaitu: a) Sistem Pengetahuan dan sikap/ Knowledge and Attitude. Diperlukan latihan dan simulasi apa yang harus dilakukan apabila mendengar peringatan, kemana dan bagaimana harus menyelamatkan diri dalamm waktu tertentu sesuai dengan lokasi dimana masyarakat sedang berada saat terjadi bencana. Mobilisasi sumber daya lebih kepada potensi dan peningkatan sumber daya di masyarakat seperti melalui keterampilan-keterampilan yang diikuti, dana, prasarana dan sarana dan lainnya

Pengurangan Risiko Bencana
Bencana Tanah Longsor
Metode Penelitian
Lokasi Penelitian
Intervensi Awal
Rencana Pengembangan Model
Implementasi Model yang dikembangkan
Pengaktifan penarikan beras perelek
Pembuatan rekening Bank
Pembuatan jalur evakuasi dan titik kumpul
Pembuatan posko kelompok penanggulangan bencana
Pembuatan sistem peringatan dini
Pengadaan sarana dan prasarana kebencanaan
Pelatihan simulasi bencana
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Paper version not known

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