
AbstractBackground. The article under consideration focuses on the comprehensive research of CF,integrating stylistic, lexico-grammatical and communicative contexts of its realization in publicisticdiscourse of the French language.
 The purpose of the study is to investigate the stylistic and communicative peculiarities ofthe publicistic type of discourse, research the discourse differences between publicistic and literarytypes of discourse, define the types of futural semantics in publicistic type of discourse in theFrench language and specify their communicative potential.
 Methods of the research. The article under discussion applies comprehensive approach toCF research: interpretation procedure to differentiate modus components and separate modalmeanings of CF, method of semantic generalization to study the CF tense forms usage, thediscourse analysis operations to discover the remote structure with futural meaning, contextual andfunctional-stylistic analyses to discover CF semantics in separate microcontexts.
 Results of the investigation. The notions of strategy and tactics of language communication,overall context of utterance and speaker’s communicative aim producing, realized within a singlecommunicative act, are the foundation of the communicative-pragmatic analysis of the types ofdiscourse, implementing CF. Publicistic discourse is regarded as a certain type of discourse, as acorrelate of publicistic style. The communicative-pragmatic effect realization in a certain type ofdiscourse may involve the combination of semantic-stylistic and contextological analysis of theutterance. The analysis of the factual material proves that predictive publicism makes a significantpart of CF rate of usage.
 Discussion. It has been found out that publicistic discourse feeds into existential discoursebasic model. Its essence is in semiotization of the future reality in the long term or near-termperspective. The comparison of the tenses usage in publicistic and literary texts has demonstratedthe difference in their temporal structure – publicistic style, as opposed to literary style, ischaracteristic of preservation of frequency of the timeframe. Publicistic style, as well as literarystyle, contains futural contexts, which include integrative combinations of the verbs of movement,semantics of verbs, conveying different types of aspectual situations and grammar means.Publicistic type of discourse of the French language contains all four moods of French, able torealize two major forms of futural semantics – “future prediction” and “volitive future”. Prospectsof the future investigations lie in the study of CF expression in different types of language acts suchas: emotional-evaluative, declarative, directive, commissive, representative, in particular, wishes,permissions, demands, hints. Moreover, it seems highly potential to research CF in different typesof discourse, namely, in esoteric, culinary, advertese, intensional, etc.


  • That pragmatic approach to linguistic phenomena analysis, which takes into consideration all extralinguistic factors, differentiating one communicative act from another, all nuances of relations between the parties of communication, is regarded as the most comprehensive

  • Semantic-pragmatic potential of utterance with futural semantics should be treated as a part of the general “potential of linguistic unit functioning” – the most important notion in the Theory of Functional Grammar (Bondarko, 1984; Bulygina, 1981; Gak, 1998; Kirillov & Starchenko, 2001)

  • To distinguish the communicative strategies of the types of discourse, containing CF, the following aspects of CF analysis should be taken into consideration: the choice of the universal speech intention, segmentation of the components of sentence semantics, separation of extralinguistic layer of the given information from proper linguistic one, reconstruction of utterance communicative unity

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Communicative-pragmatic effect realization in a certain type of discourse may involve the combination of semantic-stylistic and contextological analysis of the utterance. The given CF linguistic realization research grounds on illustrative material within the French-language publicistic discourse, rather than the certain types of speech acts, which, in their turn, make its integral part.

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