Статья написана в связи с выходом в 2018 г. последней редакции постановления Правительства Российской Федерации «О государственных закупочных интервенциях сельско-хозяйственной продукции». Целью исследования является обоснование продвижения государственного регулирования рынка местной сельскохозяйственной продукции в виде закупочных интервенций в регионах. Проведен анализ существующих зарубежных и отечественных государственных закупочных интервенций, дано обоснование закупочных интервенций в регионе, а также выработаны предложения по продвижению закупочных интервенций с федерального центра в регионы. This article was written in connection with a September 2018 release of the latest edition of a Regulation of the Russian Fed-eration Government on government purchasing interventions of agricultural products. An aim of the authors of the article is substantiation of promotion of the state regulation of a market of the local agricultural products in the form of the purchasing interventions in regions. The authors analyzed the existing for-eign and domestic government purchasing interventions, comments on the latest version of the Regulation of the Russian Federation Government on the govern-ment purchasing interventions, the substantiation of the purchasing interventions in the region and de-velopment of proposals to promote the purchasing interventions from the federal center to the regions. Relevance of the promotion of the purchasing interventions from the federal center to the regions fol-lows from Russian particularity: remoteness of the regions from the center, weak regional transport infrastructure, necessity to replicate a federal technology of the state regulation of the agricultural product market in the regions of the Russian Federation. In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), repeated attempts were made to create compensation funds of the regulation of agricultural product prices. However, in the region there is no full-fledged intervention fund effectively influencing sales of the agri-cultural products. Consequently, in conditions of the Republic, where a shortage of the agricultural products, raw materials and food is acute, implementation of the commodity intervention is the neces-sary condition for the regulation of the agricultural market. For the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in our opinion, it is advisable to carry out the commodity interventions concerning beef, meat of young horses, venison, fish, dairy products, game, fruits of wild plants and even for rough and succulent fodder for livestock. The latter are relevant due to droughts and floods that regularly occur in a area of the region. Manufacturing costs of the local products will always be higher than the ones of imported food, given the harsh natural and climatic conditions, the remoteness of agricultural commodity producers from the sale markets in the conditions of absence of the transport infrastructure. In this regard, the prices of the local products should be regulated by the state in order to support the local producers. Obviously, the government regulation should not replace market functions or impede operation of its laws. Its main task is to mitigate undesirable consequences of manifestations of market power. One of the main regula-tory methods is the commodity intervention.
Published Version
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