
ABSTRACT A new generation of radio telescopes with excellent sensitivity, instantaneous uv coverage, and large fields of view, are providing unprecedented opportunities for performing commensal transient searches. Here, we present such a commensal search in deep observations of short gamma-ray burst fields carried out with the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa at 1.3 GHz. These four hour observations of eight different fields span survey lengths of weeks to months. We also carry out transient searches in time slices of the full observations, at time-scales of 15 min and 8 s. We find 122 variable sources on the long time-scales, of which 52 are likely active galactic nuclei, but there are likely also some radio flaring stars. While the variability is intrinsic in at least two cases, most of it is consistent with interstellar scintillation. In this study, we also place constraints on transient rates based on state-of-the-art transient simulations codes. We place an upper limit of 2 × 10−4 transients per day per square degree for transients with peak flux of 5 mJy, and an upper limit of 2.5 × 10−2 transients per day per square degree for transients with a fluence of 10 Jy ms, the minimum detectable fluence of our survey.

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